Nebraska Cannabis Licensing Application Solutions

Try us. Our cannabis business attorneys will help you win a Nebraska cannabis license, get it funded and protect you from risks of penalties, lose of license or getting fined. We have years of experience with cannabis law and helped individuals like you achieve their business goals, as we own and operate businesses in the marijuana industry and have deep knowledge of its risks and trends. We can help protect your business and keep you compliant with all regulations.


Years of Experience


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5 Star

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Legal Status

Fully Illegal





Links To Resources


Nebraska medical marijuana could come to fruition in 2020. Nebraskans will be voting on a medical marijuana initiative this November. Seth Morris from Berry Law joined to tell us everything we’ll need to know… Read More

Nebraska Cannabis License Types

Nebraska Cannabis Cultivation

Nebraska Cannabis Dispensary

Nebraska Cannabis Infused Product Manufacturing

Nebraska Cannabis Laboratory Testing

Nebraska Cannabis Transportation

*There are specific cannabis licenses available in Nebraska for cultivation, dispensary, manufacturing, testing, and transportation.

Cannabis License Types
Cannabis Applications Done Right

Nebraska Cannabis Applications Done Right

Cannabis licenses

Corporate Contracts

State law compliance

Capital raises

State law licensing

Real Estate Issues

Digital sales & marketing

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Let's Help You!

Want to win a license?

Get Licensed and Operational With Experienced Business Owners.