Cannabis Pitch Decks

Cannabis Pitch Decks

Get Your Cannabis Pitch Deck

Focus your business into only 15 pages and build the framework of what you will do with your capital in growing your cannabusiness. 

Join two cannabis professionals as they review pitch decks from MSOs and help you break yours down into a custom deck you can use in your endeavor. 

The Cannabis Pitch Deck Package Includes:

  • 15 slide pitch deck
  • Complete explanation of each slide
  • Created by legal and financial Subject Matter Experts in the cannabis industry.
  • Complete & customizable pitch deck
  • Hours of content explaining how to customize pitch deck for your team
  • 3 hours of Josh Kincaid’s time
  • 3 hours of Tom Howard’s time
  • Customized pitch deck for your Team in a few weeks.

For an extra $99, we can provide a custom logo design as well. When you are done with this – you will not only have your own pitch deck – but also understand what investors are looking for, what costs and pitfalls may befall you,  and most importantly how you are going to earn your money

Thomas Howard

Cannabis Lawyer

Thomas Howard has been in business for years and can help yours navigate towards more profitable waters.

Josh Kincaid

Cannabis Capital Analyst

Josh Kincaid has worked in finance for years before turning exclusively to the cannabis industry.


Your Cannabis Pitch Deck Workflow

  • Buy the Package
  • Subject Matter Experts in the cannabis industry guide you in reviewing MSO decks
  • Customize each slide of your team’s deck
  • Tom & Josh sit down with your team one on one to develop the deck.
  • Customized pitch deck for your Team in a few weeks.

You get $250 off other cannabis industry products, like our Business Plan Services package, or our Fundraising Suite.

Get Your Cannabis Pitch Deck

We start by reviewing, and providing for your review, real pitch decks from MSOs like MedMen, Harvest, Trulive, Acerage, and more.

You’ll get a deep dive into how current operators are pitching for capital. 

Local Genetics  or LoGen for short is a made up hypothetical vetricallyintegrated cannabis start up. Sound familiar?

Startup Pitch Deck is not something everyone wants to do, but even MSOs have to keep raising money to get that next license – or build it after they have secured it.

Where are you operating we help you go over your state and its rules and what the market opporunity is by using industry leading publications from Marijuana Business Daily.


The Team Gets the Gold – who you have on your bench is what gets you into some very. exclusive and limited market opportunites.

Who you know is important – cannabis is a very expensive industry even when the markets are open for new license holders.

Cannabis Pitch Deck Workflow

Pitch decks are used in conjunction with a business plan and financial projections.

As a result, the pitch should be limited to only the most important information in 10-15 slides –  a 10 minute presentation, 20 minutes at MOST.

The following sections should be considered (one slide each):

  • Present your logo, company name
  • Include presenter names, job titles and contact information
  • Include a picture of your product or service offering (if you have one)
  • Describe the problem you are looking to address in simple, clear concise terms
  • Explain why your product makes the customer’s problem go away. Use examples.
  • Current state, seriousness of problem
  • Desired future state, benefit to customer
  • Scale of the initial market
  • How many potential customers validated the problem?
  • Describe your solution in simple, clear, concise terms
  • Key benefits, features for customers
  • Product design template
  • Timeline to develop or design
  • Note that this should not be “magical” technology or anything illegal
  • What will customers pay for the solution?
  • Clearly and concisely explain how you are going to make money
    • Identify the business plan goals here, if you haven’t already, including:
    • Direct Sales
    • Licensing
    • Subscription
    • Usage
    • Lending
    • Advertising
    • Reusable
    • Other
  • What’s the value to the customer?
    • Remember, the investor wants to know that you understand it’s all about the customer!

You need to show the target market is large enough to sustain a profitable business, while emphasising value to your solution. 

  • What is the market size and prospective growth potential?
  • Who is your target customer?
  • What is your product’s positioning within the market?
  • Are there any market trends that you are leveraging? This is the answer “Why Now?”
  • What other possible applications are there for your products?
  • How will you reach your customers?
    • Discuss 1 or 2 marketing strategies
  • How long is the sales cycle & strategy for initial market?
  • How will you get your first customer?
  • Do they have money to spend?
  • How will you develop product/service?
  • Cost to develop and produce
  • Potential sales price to your customer
  • Competitive pricing analysis
  • Cost/Margin calculation

Every startup has competition, not listing competitors is a red flag. 

  • There is ALWAYS competition
    • If there isn’t, there’s probably not a market
    • Who is in the market and how do you compare to them?
    • What’s the difference in product, features, and pricing
  • Provide a competitive analysis
    • Can be a table/chart comparing your solution to the current approach and major competitors
    • Comparison is based on key benefits
    • Note that the more realistic you are, the more believable your case
  • List all the team members
    • Picture
    • What UNIQUE skills, resources, experience, or knowledge do they bring to the team?
  • Include founders, key management and Board of Advisors
  • Why are you the right team to win ( track record of success)?
  • Include partnerships and even engaged professional service providers such as lawyers, CPAs, and more.
  • What positions are you recruiting for?
  • Most investors know that they are betting on the jockey (team), not the horse (business idea) so make this slide impactful

Not every business has a social impact, but it can be helpful to bring one up if you have one. Many states have a “social equity” component and you should address it in your pitch.  Additionally, we often say at Cannabis Legalization News & the Talking Hedge – check out both podcasts – that “all cannabis is local” so having a benefit for your community should be a part of your plan. 

  • Do you have a diverse and inclusive team?
  • What is the impact of your product or service on the environment?
  • Will your venture have a positive social impact?
  • Describe the values of your company
  • Will this be a major shift for good in the marketplace?
  • What’s the proprietary, underlying magic that gives your team’s solution a clear, defensible advantage?
  • Design improvements over current offerings
  • What are you going to do particularly well that it will be difficult to copy?
  • Do you have patents?
  • Tie the presentation up nice and neat
  • What are the next steps as a company?
  • What information do you need to move forward?
  • Be ready for further questions
  • Remember to include a call to action

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