All About Dispute With Expedia & Hempfest
45 days before the start of Seattle Hempfest 2019, Expedia, the internet company and large Seattle landowner, told the festival that it would block access to a road required for best attendance and flow for the some 100,000 people expected to come to this year’s hempfest.
here’s what you need to know about Expedia & Hempfest.
- Expedia is a travel website
- tom even booked his trip to hempfest with expedia (see video)
- Expedia owns real estate required for Hempfest’s traffic
- Expedia blocked access to the road it has used for 25 years of Hempfest
- Tech companies run Seattle (Amazon, Microsoft, etc).
- Hempfest is a big event
- over 25 years of hempfest
- last place Jack Herer spoke in 2009
- Held August 16, 17 and 18 at the Seattle Special Event center for Hempfest 2019
- Vivian McPeak is Executive Director of Hempfest
- 100,000 attendees expected at hempfest
- Quote”Expedia is apparently willing to end Hempfest rather than endure a few days of temporary inconvenience.”
- Boycott Expedia on
- Cannabis Legalization News will be at Hempfest